Les communautés francophone et crie choisissent la formulation du slogan de marque


Contact: Mike Kentish, Business and Community Relations Liaison
Email: mkentish@clearlogic.ca
Phone: 705-221-1108

French and Cree branding language chosen by communities

TIMMINS: July 10, 2013. The Community Branding Team recently engaged local Francophone and Aboriginal communities to ensure that they had a strong voice in developing French and Cree translations of the “I’m In” slogan.

Nearly 35 members of the francophone community attended a workshop organized by the Branding Team. Together, the participants unanimously chose “J’y tiens” as the French branding for the City of Timmins. “J’y tiens” was one of the 4 options that had been suggested by a group of francophone community members at a prior meeting. Simon Fecteau, member of Bâtissons notre avenir, said, “The slogan “J’y tiens,” chosen by consensus, truly captures the essence of the Timmins identity, and the way we hold it close to our hearts.”

Through the Timmins Native Friendship Centre (TNFC) and the Ojibway & Cree Cultural Centre, the Branding Team also facilitated some focus groups to get feedback and come up with an appropriate translation using syllabics. “Many of us were glad to see some elements in the logo that also reflect the Aboriginal identity. We’re happy to be part of an inclusive process that will make Timmins stronger,” said TNFC Executive Director Veronica Nicholson.

“I’m excited about the potential for a community brand,” said Mayor Tom Laughren. “Lots of other cities are also starting to do this; we’re on the leading edge by building a brand the whole community can use to market Timmins.”

The English, French and Cree versions of the new Timmins logo will be printed on various marketing materials. These and many more updates are available on the Timmins 2020 website at www.timmins2020.ca.
